Saturday, October 11, 2008

Chinese Pirates

Sorry if I got your hopes up with the title: no I am not going to talk about those kind of pirates. As you may well know, piracy is not as big of a deal in other countries as it is in America. China is definitely one of those countries that could care less. We found an underground pirated DVD market that has become our go-to-place for any movies we need. This is especially helpful for what we have deemed "Terrible Movie Tuesday" where we gather to watch... a terrible movie! One of my friends bought a dvd with 10 Stephen stegal movies on it-- I think we will be set for a while! Anyways, here is some covert footage to give you an idea of what these really tight DVD stores really look like.

*Footage taken by Park Dinger

On a slightly related you remember the Chinese sailor I wrote about previously that was sailing around the world before Columbus? Well, here is a scale image of their ships for you to ponder:

This is an image of one of Zheng Her's ships...and Columbus' Santa Maria.


Pastor David said...

Hope this doesn't come back to bite you two! Maybe you should take Park's whole name off the piece, since the whole world can watch this. If it's no big deal, then how come the store is tucked away in some back alley?
ten cuidado oye!

Meghan Smith said...

dang is all i have to say about the boat.

my friend ginger (who you met who worked in xiamen) said to not bring the dvd's back into the us. a friend of theirs tried to and was landed with a $25,ooo fine! emily and brandon left all theirs in ukraine when they moved back bc they heard of the same thing happening to people. when ginger told me that i told her the story of the snake skin in the sleeping bag. love you!