Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Last Stop--IHOP!

So we decided to drive the last stretch of the trip straight-through. I know it sounds foolish...but I'm still alive, right? We left Keystone South Dakota after spending the day there with our friend Caroline whom we met on the trip to the Peruvian jungle almost exactly 2 years ago. For those who don't know, Keystone is the small town of about 300 people that is born again each summer thanks to the thousands of people all coming to see Mount Rushmore. Caroline is spending the summer working for a very creative ministry called Face to Face. Caroline and a group of other young believers will live and work alongside international students brought in on work-visas. As they work together in hotels the believers will share their faith and lifestyles with these international students. We had the chance to meet some of Caroline's team and eat dinner at one of their houses (free food!) After some prayer time, the three of us headed back to the van for an night full of driving! Exciting...right?

We pretty much drove the 28 hour trip from Keystone to Spartanburg straight through. Our last "real stop" was at the famous Kansas City IHOP. In order to prevent any further confusion, I'm not talking about the pancake house! The International House of Prayer was started in Kansas City in 1999 as a center for 24/7 worship and prayer. Ever since, this place has drawn men and women from all over the world to come pray for revival and a global move of God. I have heard about IHOP from different sources and it has always filled me with excitement. One of my favorite worship leaders--Misty Edwards--came up as an intercessory missionary and now is the main worship leader for the whole organization. A stop at IHOP seemed like an appropriate way to finish the trip. I wasn't that sure what to expect though...

We walked in the door of the building at about 10am on that Monday morning. The first thing I saw when I entered was a group of Koreans laughing and speaking excitedly in their native tongue. I like it already. We entered the sanctuary just as the next 2 hour "set" was beginning. There was an incredible sense of freedom in the worship room as about 200 people sang, prayed, searched the scriptures, sat in their seats, and danced the aisles. A group of singers led us in worship that was only interrupted by prayers from people in the crowd. Rooms lined the walls that gave the opportunity for more quiet or thematic prayer...I spent some time in the Great Commission Room. We sang and prayed for revival in Kansas City and across the world. We sang and prayed for deeper intimacy with Christ. We sang and prayed for God to breakdown the spirits of tradition and pharisaism so prevalent in the American church. We sang and prayed for the sick among us...

Honestly, my experience at IHOP was a refreshing one...and I think it came just in time. It is so easy to become discouraged and disillusioned with the local church, especially when the chief concerns tend to be the weekly bulletin and newest committee. As I worshiped alongside these brothers and sisters, they reminded me of what really matters. All around me were people caught up in a lovesick pursuit of intimacy. This group is just a part of the great army of young people that God is raising up to take the place of the countless churches all around America too blinded by their insignificant worries to notice their imminent deaths. IHOP is a place of passionate pursuit. This pursuit of intimacy with Christ can easily be drowned out in the politics and normalcy of our churches. It is time we throw everything else to the side and chase Jesus with a reckless abandon. God is moving in Kansas City. He is moving because he is being worshiped day and night...his followers are relentless. How relentless are we?

I'll say goodbye to my father, my mother
I'll turn my back on every other lover and

I'll press on yes I'll press on
I am in love with You There is no cost
I am in love with You There is no loss
I am in love with You I want to take Your name

I am in love with You I want to cling to You Jesus
Just let me cling to You Jesus

--Misty Edwards

check them out at

stay tuned for the final thoughts on the whole trip...


Anonymous said...

sounds like a fun trip, wish i could have joined you after san diego.