Thursday, October 16, 2008

Helping to create a "Mental Image"

My mother often complains that she can't get a mental image of where I am, what I am doing, and the people I am hanging out with. This is understandable of course, so I have included some pictures here of the daily life: (i send my love Mom!)

The above picture is the main west gate of my university. It reads Xiamen University or literally, "Xiamen Big Learning."

We ran into some monks at the Southern Shaolin Temple and they decided to share some of their combat expertise... (yes, this IS daily life.)

Some views of the campus and city from the top of my building.

Chilling on Gulangyu-- an island off the coast of Xiamen

We found an abandoned trail that led to this fence and sign. Here I am making sure that the character for "forbidden" is not present. Sure enough, it wasn't... so we went through and continued exploring.

Chinese "squatty-potty"

The back gate of campus nearest to my dorm. This is taken from the bus stop looking across at the beach.

The local fruit stand on campus.

The boys. (From left to right: Spino, Micheal Scofield, Clever, Matthew, Park, and David.)

Playing some pool.

My dorm, the tallest on campus-- Yeah Mayne!


Caleb M said...

Hey! It's good hearing from you. Yeah, I only need 14 more hours to graduate; next semester will be a breeze. I visited Trinity about two weeks ago, and it's an awesome school. I'm counting on scholarships if I'm going to go there. It's good seeing your regular updates. I hope your having a blast. Can't wait to see you again next semester!