Well, I'm finally here...
Growing up as a conspiracy theorist and avid X-Files fan, Roswell has always been a sort of Mecca for me. After hours and hours of nothingness, a small town finally emerges from the New Mexico. The town of Roswell has managed to pour some life into their anemic economy by encouraging the recent alien hysteria beginning in 1947. Before you judge this roadside American attraction as just another cheesy Gatlinburg clone, you need to actually come here and experience the wealth of scientific knowledge that abounds here.
I have believed in aliens for some time now, both for logical and theological reasons (see C.S. Lewis' On Religion and Rocketry), so Roswell did not make me believe anything new, it has only reinforced my belief in extra-terrestrials. The UFO Conspiracy museum filled me with knowledge of "The Roswell Incident," and further undermined my trust in the government. On the highway leading to Roswell, there is nothing... not even a gas station in the last 60 miles of the journey. Driving on these extremely desolate roads, Luke and I had a revelation. I'm not sure if anyone else has ever come to this logical conclusion... but I will lead you through it. If the aliens are dealing with overpopulation on their home planets, it would only make sense that they would come to New Mexico in hopes to colonize! Flying in a UFO above this landscape, it could be very easy to confuse the New Mexico countryside for some completely empty place to settle down and raise a family. I am almost completely convinced that while driving we passed by some alien colonies right off of the interstate. There could have been aliens living all over this area, and no one would ever know! Personally, I don't harbor any bad feelings towards the aliens that came to New Mexico on July 4, 1947, I mean they were just looking for a better life! Thinking about the awesome amounts of empty space we have in this country, I also wonder why we are so hostile towards other aliens that come to a new land with seemingly plenty of space looking for a new life? Well thats another post for another day...
I know some of you are probably rolling your eyes and thinking, "I hope Matthew doesn't really believe in aliens." Well I'm sorry to let you down, but only some of this post is written tongue-in-cheek. People always ask me, "Matthew why would you ever believe in aliens!" Aside from the wealth of evidence and personal testimonies, I have always thought it extremely arrogant to just assume that we are the only intelligent creatures in existence. Judging from some of the truck stops we have stayed in, I might have to debate even the intelligence of homo-sapiens! It just makes sense to me that in such a massive galaxy full of universes full of suns and planets, there are other creatures that think, build, play, work, reproduce, and pray like you and I. A Christian faith and a belief in aliens are not contradictory but I would agree with C.S. Lewis that it is instead complementary. (See Lewis' On Religion and Rocketry.) So the question I would pose is, "Why do you not believe in aliens?"
Checking in from the UFO capital of the world,
hoping to make you think...
Roswell Public Library
Wednesday, May 7
Personal Book Survey
8 years ago
Mi querido amigo Mateo,
I will definitely enjoy reading more blogs. Lo unico que digo es que me gustaria conocer a muchas mas personas que dicen lo que piensan =) Bueno, sigue disfrutando tu viaje. Besos.
Hey Son,
You remember when Calvin & Hobbes built a rocket and went to Mars? When they were there, they ran into a little martian. Remember that Calvin responded in etnocentric fashion when he said, "What does he think, that we're aliens from another planet?" Ever wondered who the real aliens are? If you run into a "first American" out there in the badlands, you'll be it.
I love you,
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